Red Tent healing NFTs

For those of you who know me a bit, it may not come as a surprise that I started working with women in sacred circles in the Castel, even before it is somewhere near finished, or even presentable for that matter. My journey started in 2019 where Red Tents came into my awareness, without me knowing what it really is. They didn’t come out of no-where, I had asked the human collective, specifically the women, how I could be of service and the answer was : a Red Tent. To my knowledge I may well have been one of the first facilitators holding red tents back in Grenoble and I instantly fell in love with this form of sacred women circle. The principle is so simple and the outcome is so unbelievably powerful. I feel in awe, after each Red Tent. We gather under or near the full moon, we open the sacred circle ( ususally through a facilitated meditation) and then we speak our truths.

We communicate though the heart, allowing each women to fully exist as she is that day in our loving, understanding presence. And that is when the magic happens. We feel our connection to each other, we understand deeply what it means to be a western woman today, we feel loved, supported  and empowered. We humbly see our personal and collective paths and we start walking it, step by step.

by the end of 2021 I had a lot of interesting conversations about the red tent with men. They loved the idea and were deeply touched by the idea that women support each other and have a space to be fully heard and seen. In one of these conversations I was talking about my life as a biochemist and a crystallographer during my thesis. Being a hoo haa witchy chick, weaver of realities and knowledgable in alternative healing methods, I had quiet an interesting time in the world of material reductionism, as you may imagine. One particular moment led to this new project: The creation of HEALING NFTs. But let me start at the beginning. I was a doctorate in structural biochemistry in Grenoble, wich means I was writing a thesis about the structure of a praticular protein. Now, to analyse a structre of a protein you need to cystalize that protein, the you chuck into an xray- machine to be able to “see” the structure. For a doctorate cadidate this means: no cyrstal, no structure… no thesis. Yep, there is some pressure there and protein cystallisation aint no exact science, it resembles much more woohoo ( like so many things in the lab, but don’t get me started) Anyway, it turned out, that I am rather good at the magical woo hoo part of science, much more so than the material reductionism religous part, and when I think back now, this may well be the moment where I started accepting my strangeness as a fun gift.

I stayed late in the crystallography lab, I energetically cleaned my desk, I centered myself and I started doing the only meditation that I knew at that time. I imagined a little light in my heart, and with every breath I made it bigger, brighter and shine in all directions until it was big enough to encompass my desk. Then I started pipetting my crystal solutions ( which had failed to result into crystals so far). Look what I found under the microscope the next day:B

It is very rare ( like never seen) that proteins crystalise with one nucleation center and then spread out like this…. It looks exactely like my visualisation. And it saved my PhD in a way, but more importantly it saved my sanity. This is not a coincidence, this is a direct manifestation, and yes, I repeated the experiment, as a good scientist, no meditation, no crystal, Angel meditation, angel-form crystal.

These pictures are property of CERMAV-CNRS, and they do showcase them on their communication. My name is not listed, but my superviser’s is, I don’t know why.

Coming back to the Healing NFT: The idea was to grow a crystal during the magical time under the red tent, capturing the enourmously beautiful healing energy in crystaline form, take a beautiful picture and mint it into and NFT ( non fungible token). A person with healing intent may then have acces to the powerfull loving energy of the divine feminin whenever and wherever they need to. A beautiful high frequency picture is the minted into 33 shares of the NFT, and can be bought on

The money we make off these sales obviously helps us to finance the renovation, pay back the loan and allow for my activity as a therapist, counsillor and facilitator to develop more smoothly and expand into new structures ( healing centers for example) that are so desperately needed in these changing times, to heal the hurt and move into a more peacefull, adult and humaine socitety.

If you want to heal your hurts, get in touch with the divine feminin and feel the love and support that sourrounds you, go ahead and get your crystal healing NFT.

If you want to support our project of renovation and creation of beautiful spaces for family, friends and supporters, go ahead and get your crystal healing NFT.

If you want to invest in the new world, in an innovative healing method, that  steps out of material reductionism and allows for holistique health by broadcasting the ultimate highest frequency of love through the creative divine feminin, go ahead and get your crystal healing NFT.

and if you want to paticipate in a red tent, contact us, come over, you are lovingly invited. Oh, and of cours you can also buy us a cup off coffee, if all this is not your cup of tea 😉

To join the tribe, come over to our telegram channel, where we explain how to buy, use and trade your healing crystal NFTs, and updates on the new crystals that are coming out. Joining this tribe is free and there is no obligation of buying an NFT, your presence is a great support for us.

( telegram is a messenger, you get it for free in your usual app-store)